Saturday, June 27, 2009

Teaching Kids Rather Than Grades: Is that Possible?

Found some interesting commentary and link on a fellow blogger's site, regarding teaching to the development of the learner rather than grade placement based on age.

The End of Grade Levels
I believe there are solid pluses to this idea, which are some of the same reasons multi-age classes can be powerfully successful: less stigmatism for meeting, or not, some benchmark that has been placed on that grade level; the opportunity for students to learn more from each other; and teach kids to learn and truly work with others rather than segregate based on age. A discussion I started to have frequently this spring with some of our students was that only during your school years will you be surrounded by people your own age. In the workplace, or even college, you will have folks of all ages in your classes or environment and it is better to learn how to deal with both the positive and negatives of that, than it would be for me to not schedule freshmen in the juniors' classes when needed.

And, as with anything, there are certainly some negatives to prepare for: the stigma of not "keeping up" with peers will remain depending on how actual groupings are created; the the application of the concept so that slower learners are challenged and don't end up floating through an even bigger black hole of education.

Done correctly, we can instill a solid love of learning and build self-esteem which only benefits everyone. Many private LD schools have achieved this for quite some time. The challenge is how to set the expectations, implement them AND have people feel comfortable trusting that system.

Change is challenge and excitement all rolled together!!!

Screen Readers

We use Universal Reader frequently at school, but have still struggled sometimes with a screen reader for a pdf file. Thanks to Twitter, I found a link with tips for setting yourself up for a screen reader for pdf files: RNIB.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Case Law

According to a recent posting at Wrights Law, IDEA language requires that all states "to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities' to ensure that they receive needed special education services.". On June 22, 2009, the Supreme Court ruled on a case that will directly impact the delivery of a Free and Appopriate Education and determining what it means to have a disability in a public school. To read more of the Wrights Law article click here.