Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random Education Questions for the Week

Why does stupid really seem to mean, "whew, that's not too hard for me"?
Why is rigor put into action as "more homework"?
A MET determines whether or not a child has a disability. Why is it often used as a screening for eligibility for special education?
How is it so confusing that a 504 plan designates that a person has a disability that is accommodated in some way? It must be confusing since I often hear that a person doesn't qualify for a 504. Do they have a disability? Yes (similar to a MET question). Are they using ANY accommodations? Yes. There you go. Oh, one more question - would they require specialized instruction? That would then go to an IEP. No, only accommodations - bam! 504.
My biggest random thought rolling around right now pertains only to Michigan: how will it be good for kids if each district uses a different method to determine if a student has a learning disability? Will they all become unintended judges of the quality of instruction in a neighboring district during data collection? And, how can gen ed teachers truly be prepared and/or supported to provide all the initial interventions required at the early stages for each type of different learner??
Whew - maybe now I can get some sleep :).