Wednesday, April 9, 2008

RTI Network is Up and Running

RTI, or Response to Intervention, is one of the newest buzzes in the education world, both regular ed and special ed. It is a tiered system designed to better support struggling learners in schools. While I do agree with better interventions and using research-based methods, I do not always agree with the implementation of RTI. One of my largest issues is that even at the simplest level it seems to me to be unbalanced for students with learning disabilities. There are many research-based methods for reading interventions and I do agree that there should be better documentation and less delay of helping struggling students earlier. But, what about math interventions? Where is the support and research for the interventions regarding listening, speaking and/or social skills?

Even so, there is a new initiative designed to provide education and resources for those who want to, or need to, learn more about RTI. Many organizations came together to provide this resource and, while I haven't checked out the whole site thoroughly, this is an issue of great importance and I am excited to see such an initiative out there. is the online home of the RTI Action Network, a national initiative dedicated to the responsible and effective implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI). This Web site provides the information and tools educators and families need to help each child succeed.

For more, check it out at

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